Like I said in the last post, I will walk you through sites and programs that will help boost the technology within your classroom.  My "guide" will be very simple and to the point.  As always, please ask if you have questions about anything!

Edmodo for me is facebook for school. It is a great tool to connect with other educators, find creative ideas, and most importantly engage your students. To get started go to 

From here you will need to select "I'm a Teacher", type in all of the info about you and then hit enter.  You will then need to select your schools. After you find your school continue on with your teacher profile, if you do not have a photo on hand you can always add one later.  For you URL I would suggest using your last name.  The next part are the communities that you want to be apart of.  Communities on Edmodo are groups that you can connect to and from there you can communicate and browse different lessons.

Then you are ready to go to your homepage!  On the top there are icons, placing your curser onto of the icons will tell you what each one means.  On the left hand side are the links to post, search for lesson ideas, and to check progress.  Also on the left hand side you can join or create groups.  This is where you can create "classes" for your students to join. 

Creating a class/group:

click create on the left hand side.  Create a group name, this can be what ever you want to call it.  It ask for a grade level or a range of level and the subject area.  Then hit create, this is your first group! Once you create your class it will give you a group code.  This code is what the students will use to "join" your class. I usually will post this on my board and it stays up all year.  At the top of the page under your group name, there is a gray bar that says posts, folders, members, and small groups.  Under this bar there are different ways in posting posts.  You can create an assignment, a quiz, a poll, or even an alert.

Creating a folder:

Under your group name you can create folders. (this bar will only appear once you click on your group name on the left) Towards the top right corner is "new folder" once you click on that and give it a name you will need to click on the folder in order to add anything to it.  In the upper right corner you can click on those icons to add a file or link.

Ok so I am going to stop there because I do not want to overwhelm you.  I will add to this post in a couple days to tell you more about Edmodo.  With any site please remember that the more you explore and play around the more you will learn.  Hopefully this is a good start for you!  Until next time :)

Jessica Willis
6/10/2013 09:16:35 am

Thank you for sharing. I really like the idea of different forms of technology being in one location with explanations. This would be a great resource for a first year teacher or someone that just becomes very

6/10/2013 09:18:14 am

( touch screen issues I will not finish my post.).

Overwhelmed with everything at one time.
Edmodo also has great learning apps such as learn zillion.


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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2013

